PC World 2007 March
v cisle
Analysis Script.sis
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Text File
314 lines
;; File: "Analysis Script.sis" - Sample batch-mode analysis settings example file for SiSoftware Sandra
;; Syntax: sandra /r <full path script>
;; For this example: "sandra /r script.sis"
;; Note: Use quotes if the file has spaces in it, e.g. "c:\Program Files\Script.sis"
;; Warning: Include the FULL PATH to the script file, e.g. "c:\temp\script.sis" not just
;; "script.sis" even if the script file is in Sandra's own directory!
;; You can create a script like this one by running the "Burn-in Computer" and
;; specifying "Save the settings in a script file for later use" at step 1.
;; It's far easier to specify options this way.
;; Version - decimal value
Program Version=2831
;; Report Type script
;; (see other .sis examples for other report types, e.g. burn, analysis, etc.)
Script Type=2
;; Type of report:
;; 1 - display on screen!
;; 2 - to print/fax the report
;; 3 - to save to disk in a format (see 'Report File Type' for file format) (default)
;; 4 - to e-mail it using MAPI (see 'Report File Type' for file format)
;; 5 - to e-mail it using SMTP (see 'Report File Type' for file format)
;; 6 - to post it to a newsgroup using NNTP (see 'Report File Type' for file format)
;; 7 - to upload it to a FTP/HTTP server
;; 8 - reserved
;; 9 - to insert into any ODBC data source
;; 10 - to insert into any ADO supported database/SQL Server
;; 11 - to post to a queue (MSMQ)
Report Type=3
;; if save:
;; Full name & path of report file (comment it out if email)
;; you can also use fields that will be replaced with their values at runtime
;; fields:
;; $HOST$ - computer/host name
;; $DOMAIN$ - domain/workgroup name
;; $USER$ - user name
;; $DATE$ - date report created
;; $TIME$ - time report created
Report File=Report on $DATE$ at $TIME$.txt
;; If $DATE$ is specified, you can over-ride its format here.
;; See the Platform SDK - GetDateFormat for more information
;; (NOTE: some characters are NOT valid in a filename!!!)
Date Format=ddd MMM dd yyyy
;; If $TIME$ is specified, you can over-ride its format here.
;; See the Platform SDK - GetTimeFormat for more information
;; (NOTE: some characters are NOT valid in a filename!!!)
Time Format=hh mm ss tt
;; File Type:
;; 0 - "normal" (TXT) (default)
;; 1 - "hierarchical" (RPT)
;; 2 - "web" (HTML)
;; 3 - "SMS" (DMI/MIF)
;; 4 - "XML" (XML)
Report File Type=0
;; Source System
;; 0 - Null (do note use)
;; 1 - Local System (or local PDA / Smart Phone) (default)
;; 2 - Remote System (connect through DCOM)
Generator Type=1
;; Tested Device Type (for local system only)
;; 0 - Desktop/Laptop/Server (default)
;; 1 - PDA / Smart Phone (WinCE)
;; 2 - PDA / Smart Phone (Palm)
Device Type=0
;; Remote System Connection, server name (Lite/Legacy/Professional/Engineer)
Gen DCOM Server=hostname
;; Remote System Connection, servers list (Enterprise)
Gen DCOM Server List=server1,server2,server3
;; Remote protocol to be used (see Help or spec.)
;; ncalrpc - local connection
;; ncacn_np - named pipes (default)
;; ncacn_ip_tcp - TCP/IP (recommended if it works)
;; ncacn_http - HTTP connection through IIS (Internet over firewalls)
Gen DCOM Protocol=ncacn_np
;; Remote security to be used (see Help or spec.)
;; 0 - default
;; 1 - none (not recommended)
;; 2 - on connect
;; 3 - on call
;; 4 - packet
;; 5 - packet integrity
;; 6 - packet encryption (recommended, default)
Gen DCOM Security=6
;; Remote authentication to be used (see Help or spec.)
;; 0 - none (not recommended)
;; 9 - Negotiate (recommended, default)
;; 10 - Windows (good if nothing else works)
;; 14 - SChannel (use with a certificate)
;; 16 - Kerberos (best if you have it working -> required for Enterprise)
Gen DCOM Authentication=9
;; How to log-in to the server
;; 0 - use impersonation (recommended)
;; 1 - log in with user/password as below
Gen DCOM LogInAsUser=0
;; Log-in with credentials below (Windows/Kerberos/Negotiate)
Gen DCOM UserName=user
Gen DCOM Domain=domain
Gen DCOM Password=pass
;; Log-in with SChannel credentials below
Gen DCOM Cert Store=Root
Gen DCOM Cert Name=certificate
;; Push service to remote server (Enterprise)
;; 0 - Don't push (default)
;; 1 - Push if not installed
Gen DCOM Rem Push=0
;; Install or Run the service on the remote server?
;; 0 - Don't install, just run (default)
;; 1 - Install service
Gen DCOM Rem Install=0
;; Use Sandra or WMI Agent to push service to remote server?
;; 0 - Use Sandra Agent (default)
;; 1 - Use WMI Agent
Gen DCOM Rem Use WMI=0
;; File Encoding:
;; 0 - ANSI (code page as system)
;; 1 - Unicode (recommended, default)
File Encoding Unicode=1
;; Encrypt the report file? (CRY format) (do NOT specify with append)
;; 0 - No (default)
;; 1 - Yes
;; Encryption key string - to encrypt the report with
Encrypt Key=the key string
;; Compress the report file (CAB format) (do NOT specify with append)
;; 0 - No (default)
;; 1 - Yes (recommended)
;; Append report to report file?
;; 0 - No (default)
;; 1 - Yes
;; If multiple copies of Sandra use the same file for the report, turn this on
;; to synchronise access to the file (each copy will wait for it to become
;; available rather than exiting)
;; 0 - Don't wait
;; 1 - Do wait
Wait If File Taken=1
; Set the number of characters per line, between 10 to 200 (default 80)
External Line Size=80
;; if email: Address of user(s) to send to, subject, e.g.:
Email Send To=to@sisoftware.net
Email Send Cc=carbon.copy@sisoftware.net
Email Send Bcc=blind.copy@sisoftware.net
Email Subject=SiSoftware Sandra Report
;; address/account of sender
Email Sender=user@server
;; SMTP server information
Email SMTP Host=post.server.com
Email SMTP Port=25
;; SMTP server authentication
Email SMTP SSL Auth=0
EMail Login User=user
EMail Login Password=pass
;; if you want to encrypt the login, use the following 2 fields instead
;EMail Login User Encrypted=00000000
;EMail Login Password Encrypted=00000000
;; if post: News server details
News NewsGroup=public.test
News Host=news.server.com
News Port=119
;; address/account of sender
News Sender=user@server
;; News server authentication
News SSL Auth=0
News Login User=user
News Login Password=pass
;; if you want to encrypt the login, use the following 2 fields instead
;News Login User Encrypted=00000000
;News Login Password Encrypted=00000000
;; if print: the printer/device name (verbatim!!!)
Printer Name=Canon BJ-20
;; if insert into ODBC database: enter the data source details, e.g.:
ODBC DSN=SandraReport
ODBC UserName=Test
ODBC Password=sql
;; if you want to encrypt the login, use the following 2 fields instead
;ODBC UserName Encrypted=00000000
;ODBC Password Encrypted=00000000
;; 1 if identity/autoincrement is supported (e.g. SQL Server/Access); 0 if not
ODBC Identity Support=1
;; 1 if sequences are supported (e.g. Oracle); 0 if not
ODBC Sequence Support=0
;; 1 if client cursors; 0 if server cursors
ODBC Client Cursors=0
;; if insert into ADO database: enter database details, e.g.:
;; SQLOLEDB (SQL Server); MSDAORA (Oracle); MSDASQL (ODBC); Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.X.XX (Access)
;; Database host server
ADO Server=LocalHost
;; SQL Server database; Oracle (schema); ODBC DSN
ADO Database=SandraDB
;; Only useful if using the ADO-to-ODBC bridge. Enter the verbatim name of the ODBC driver
ADO Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
;; 1 if identity/autoincrement is supported (e.g. SQL Server/Access); 0 if not
ADO Identity Support=1
;; 1 if sequences are supported (e.g. Oracle); 0 if not
ADO Sequence Support=0
;; 1 if client cursors (e.g. Oracle); 0 if server cursors (e.g. SQL Server)
ADO Client Cursors=0
;; 0 for database security (specify username/password); 1 for NT authentication
ADO NT Security=0
;; only if database security specified
ADO UserName=user
ADO Password=pass
;; if you want to encrypt the login, use the following 2 fields instead
;ADO UserName Encrypted=00000000
;ADO Password Encrypted=00000000
;; if ftp upload: enter the server connection (inc path), e.g.:
Upload URL=http://www.sireport.co.uk/sandra_report/
Upload URL=ftp://ftp.sireport.co.uk/sandra_report/
;; 1 if anonymous; 0 specify user/password
Upload Anonymous=1
Upload User=user
Upload Password=pass
;; if you want to encrypt the login, use the following 2 fields instead
;Upload User Encrypted=00000000
;Upload Password Encrypted=00000000
;; if post to queue/MSMQ: enter queue path, e.g.:
MSMQ Queue=\\computer\public\SandraReports
;; 1 if transactional; 0 if not
MSMQ Transactional=0
;; 1 if accessible to all; 0 only to creator
MSMQ Public Access=1
;; 0 if plain; 1 encrypt message body (not needed if file already encrypted)
MSMQ Encrypted=0
;; 1 to use current user login credentials; 0 specify user/password
MSMQ Default Credentials=1
MSMQ User=guest
MSMQ Password=pass
;; if you want to encrypt the login, use the following 2 fields instead
;MSMQ User Encrypted=00000000
;MSMQ Password Encrypted=00000000
;; Enter your comments here - one line only!
Comments=This is a test batch-mode report.
;; Display progress dialog? "0"-No or "1"-Yes (default)
Progress Dialog=1
;; Exit after report is done? "0"-No or "1"-Yes (default)
Exit After Done=1
;; Module List "0"-To exclude(default) or "1"-To include module
;; Use Help to find out the command-line switch for a particular module.
;; For options, add "Option" to the module name, e.g.
;; Some modules support EXtended options, add "ExOptions" to the module name, e.g.
;; etc.
;; Uncomment this line to include all available modules
;; That's it - good luck & good hunting!
;; If you have issues or comments, please contact us.